Wednesday, March 14, 2007

What is a "Jedi Chiller"?

Yoda, who is considered to be at the ultimate level of jedi chilling.

Since this is my first post, i might as well define what exactly a "jedi chiller" is, since my blog is named after it.
It came upon my friend and I friend after a THC influenced instant message discussion about people who chill, hangout,party, socialize,do anything that consists of wasting time and not being constructive, etc. There are a lot of "chillers" persay, i'd say among North American teenagers this is a high percentage but how many jedi chillers are out there?

I would say only a small decimal of people have achieved this glorified status as they have managed to put chilling before everything else in life, and somehow still get away it. Kids who move from couch to couch, or even floor to floor as long as they can get away with living while not having to have a job, go to school or do anything productive. Do not get confused though, homeless people are not jedi chillers. Because jedi chillers are so cunning, devious and witty they always manage to find a place to stay (parent's place does not count here folks) because of their entertainment value and they obviously value their comfort level. A true jedi chiller has taken his/her laziness and chilling factor to such an immense level that it rubs off on everybody they meet and even though these qualities are seemingly negative, people are mesmorized by them. So much so, that people will start buying jedi chillers things and take care of them without asking any questions. This is because they live off their true skill of chilling, nothing more nothing less.

I think i have probably one witnessed one or two jedi chillers in my not-so-long lifetime, but the real question remains: are you a jedi chiller?